I have created this website to deliver a community where every family can come together to connect. A place where you can talk and share experiences, search for help and guidance, or indeed offer your knowledge to those families in a similar situation. By providingarticles, recommendations and tips, alongside regular guest blog posts, I want to offer a website that is user friendly, but ultimately celebrates all aspects of the family.
Ways You Can Help Contribute
My idea for this website has always included actively getting other families involved in its creation. By offering your expertise in the world of parenting and family life, we can create the best community possible on this website. So, if you want to be a part of this growing site, and pass on some great advice to other members, please get in touch with me.
Constructive Feedback is Welcomed Here
Family life is hard and we could all benefit from a bit of positive feedback every now and then, even from those we don’t know that well yet! The only way I can continue to improve on what this website offers to others, is if you are honest with me about its creation and design.
If you feel you have some constructive feedback, I am willing to hear you out. Anything you feel you and other visitors may struggle with on the website, or perhaps you know of a better way to approach asubject, then please let me know about it. I want you to get the best experience possible when visiting this website, and if you feel it could be improved, I would love to hear some alternative suggestions.
Would You Like My Personal Advice?
Though I don’t think anyone can claim the title of professional mother or family maker, I like to think that I can offer personal help and guidance, due to experiencing life as both a working mother and now as a stayat home mother!
If you aren’t ready to connect with the community just yet, but would still like my help or advice on family matters, please don’t hesitate to contact me using the form below. I would be more than happy to directly discuss your circumstances in further detail and offer you my assistance.
Could Your Service Benefit My Visitors?
I never quite expected this website to expand at the speed that it has! What began as a small venture, has now become a full-time project and a place where all visitors turn to first for accurate information, helpful guidance and relevant services for their family.
With extensive volumes of traffic to kidsource.org, I have monetized the site as the small amount of income that is generated by placing advertisements on this website allows me to continue to work on improving and moving it forwards. It also ensures I can cope with the growing demand for quality content.
All adverts are chosen carefully and are thoroughly relevant to my visitors. If you feel your company would benefit from advertising your services on my website, then please get in touch with me to discuss the possibilities. This is an exciting time for the website, and I would be more than happy for you to join myself and the wider community on this journey.
For all enquires, not matter how big or small, I look forward to hearing from you. Whether personal or business related, you can contact me at any time by using the contact form provided at the bottom of this page.